THE traffic police unit at Whitchurch will shut down at the end of this month - with the 10 officers being moved elsewhere.

Superintendent Mark Bradford, head of Hampshire Constabulary's Roads Policing Unit (RPU), said the move was part of a long-term restructuring process, aimed at making better use of resources across the county.

Traffic police cover for Whitchurch - and the surrounding north west corner of Hampshire - will be provided by officers working from Winchester police station, who already provide cover for the area for eight hours each day.

"The way we police now is intelligence led," Supt Bradford said. "We have officers where they need to be, to deliver the service. Officers will come on duty and know what area to go to, and focus on the issues in that area."

Supt Bradford said there were financial benefits in having officers working from a smaller number of sites.

"This means that we don't have to have as much equipment, such as radios and breath-test devices, so there will be savings right across the board," he added.

"That said, it's not about cost cutting - it's about providing an efficient service."

He explained that there will not be any job losses as a result of the measure, which will see the officers move on February 27.

Supt Bradford said: "Hampshire Constabulary has not cut its Roads Policing Unit in any way, shape or form. They have more officers than before."

John Apter, who is chairman of the constables' branch board of Hampshire Police Federation and a traffic officer based at Lyndhurst, added: "Some officers may be disappointed about this for personal reasons, because they have worked at Whitchurch for a long time.

"But the bigger picture is that they accept the RPU needs to be more strategic in its aims."

Basingstoke police traffic office shut down in September last year, and the 17 officers who worked there were sent to Farnborough police station instead.