BRING-and-buy sale: First Pamber Heath Brownies are having a bring-and-buy sale on Saturday, February 19, at Pamber Heath Memorial Hall, from 1pm to 3pm.

Please come along and support your local Brownies.

To find out more information, call Annette on 0118 9814164.

PAMBER Heath Gardening Club: At next Tuesday's meeting, starting at 7.30pm, Irene Bowron will give a talk entitled "Gardening for Wildlife".

There is a bring-and-buy plant stall at each meeting, and refreshments are served during the evening.

Visitors and new members are always welcome.

Why not come along and enjoy an informative talk?

WHIST drive: If you are at a loose end on Monday or Friday afternoons, why not come along to Pamber Heath Memorial Hall, and enjoy a friendly game of whist?

Doors open at 1.45pm, and everyone is welcome.

For more information, contact me on the above number.