NORTH Hampshire Downs Ramblers Group: Is having a five-mile circular walk on Tuesday, which will link sections of the Basingstoke Canal and cross fields and woodlands.

Meet at 10.30am, in the canal car park opposite the Barley Mow in Winchfield, or call Tony Stoney on 479951.

OPEN meeting: St Mary's Old Churchyard Conservation Group is holding its traditional mid-season open meeting on Tuesday, at 8pm, in the parish room.

The speakers will be Margaret and Tim Carr who will be showing slides of South Africa - "but not as you know it".

Call Fay Farrant on 476863, for further details.

COMMUNITY Responders: An inaugural meeting has been arranged for Tuesday, at 7.30pm, in the village hall.

This will be run by a member of the Hampshire Ambulance Brigade.

Please go along if you feel you can provide support in any way.

Call Terry Scrase on 322522.

RED telephone boxes: Concerns have been passed to me regarding the removal, either by accident or design, of these old-style telephone boxes.

In a village with such a large conservation area, the red telephone boxes have contributed greatly to its character and their removal can only be regretted.

REMINDER: The monthly ploughman's lunch will be in the parish room next Thursday, at 12.30pm.