HATHA yoga: Increase inner peace and calm for mind, body and spirit.

Classes are suitable for all ages and all levels. There are two sessions per week at Brookvale Village Hall - on Tuesdays, from 6.30pm to 8pm, and Wednesdays, from 7.30pm to 9pm.

For further information, call 01256 841005 or visit the website www.joyoga.co.uk

VILLAGE hall facelift: This is due to take place during March.

Metal roller shutters are to be fixed to the south-facing windows and the front door, while a new vinyl flooring will enhance the entrance and toilet facilities.

It is hoped that all this will be finished in time for the following event.

SPRING jumble and car boot sale: At the village hall on March 13.

Please sort out your unwanted saleable goods and donate them to this worthy cause.

The proceeds of this event will contribute to the upkeep of the hall.

BROOKVALE Parent and Toddler Group: The next meeting will be on February 23, and will be a chance to sell or buy baby and toddler items of clothing and toys.

For further details, contact Helen on 01256 421141.