TENNIS club: Clift Meadow trustees are very anxious to establish a tennis club.

Ideally they would like this to be ready to open in the spring.

Anyone in the village interested in becoming part of this club can find out more, in particular how to help, by calling Mike Davis on 883070.

LUNCH Club: The Wednesday Lunch Club met on February 2 and, although numbers were somewhat depleted, those attending had a very enjoyable day.

Good wishes went to Lily, who was in hospital having a hip-replacement operation.

There was good news of Jenny and Tony settling in Staffordshire, and of Anne and Frank West in Richmond.

Lunchtime brought chicken casserole followed by lemon mousse. Many thanks to Judy, the cook.

Thanks to the voluntary drivers, to those who manage the kitchen, and to Eric, for setting up the room.

The next meeting will be held on March 2, and will be "Reminiscences" or "A Trip Down Memory Lane".

Members were pleased to receive calendars from Bramley School.

These were designed by the children. The Christmas play had been enjoyed by all who attended, and the tea provided was appreciated.

CMS and church summer fair: The first meeting for the fair will be held at Cross House on Wednesday, at 8pm.

Helpers are urgently needed. Please go along to see if you can assist.