IT SHOULD be a simple device to use, but many disabled people are being charged fines simply by not using their Blue Badge properly.

Used correctly it will allow a disabled person to park in a designated parking bay.

But making a simple mistake, such as not displaying it properly, is costly many local disabled people dearly.

Geoff Wilkinson, area representative for the Blue Badge Network, is calling for all Blue Badge owners to make sure they know the guidelines.

He said: "Numerous badge holders throughout the UK receive either a Fixed Penalty Notice or a penalty charge notice for the following contravention 'parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person's badge'.

"There are some grey areas relating to these concessions, which The Department for Transport and local authorities are aware of, nevertheless the information that is printed in this booklet is clear.

"It states you must display the badge on top of the dashboard or fascia panel of a vehicle with the front of the badge facing forward so that the relevant details are legible from the outside of the vehicle when using the parking benefits.

"If the vehicle does not have a dashboard or fascia panel you must exhibit the badge in a conspicuous position on the vehicle so that the relevant details are legible from outside the vehicle when using the parking benefits.

"I attach mine to the dashboard with Blu-tack, that way, when I shut the car door, it won't move.