Sir.-Crabtree Plantation is a wonderful open area for families and individuals in Basingstoke to enjoy.

Last Sunday, we found two motorbikes being ridden at high speeds by young children and adults.

One rider, only about six years old, sped within five metres of us and others with young children and dogs. The adults (their parents?) did nothing to stop them.

Feeling too scared to ask them to stop, I reported the situation to the council as it is their land. The result... sympathy with my comments but nothing happened.

This has occurred before on several occasions - nothing changes.

It can only be a matter of time before someone is badly hurt, to say nothing of the menacing way these people affect everyone else there.

Unless action is taken to stop these selfish people from spoiling the enjoyment of the decent majority, we can wave goodbye to yet another pleasure in life.

-Name and address withheld.