THANK you: A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the jumble sale held last weekend, in aid of the tsunami disaster appeal.

Also, a big thank you to all the people who contributed items and those who went along and gave their support.

I would also like to say thanks to county councillor Jane Frankum, Cllr Paul Harvey, Cllr George Hood, and Michaela Riley, for taking care of things when I fell ill, my wife Michelle, for co-ordinating the volunteers, and finally to Cheryl Powell, for organising the tombolas.

The tombola alone raised approximately £140. The raffle raised more than £250, and the jumble made up the rest.

The amount raised at the end of the day was £820, which will now go to the Red Cross, as Oxfam has shut down its appeal.

BOWLING competition: Daniel Bowler's Memorial Trust is organising a bowling competition.

If anyone is interested in putting a team of six together, at a cost of £30 per team, contact Michaela Riley on 01256 335882.

OAKRIDGE Hall for All: On the first Friday of every month, from 10am to 12.30pm, at the hall, there will be representatives available from Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, CAB, Carers Together and the Pensions Department Service.

Please drop in. Everyone is welcome and refreshments are available.

CONTACT me: On the above number if you have anything to announce for next Friday's column.