VIABLES Community Association: Is to be launched with two Valentine's Day events on Sunday, February 13.

It is hoped people will come and join in the celebrations.

There is a tea dance in the barn at the craft centre from 2pm to 5pm, followed by a barn dance from 6pm to 9pm.

Tickets are £2 for the tea dance and £3 for the barn dance (£2 for children) and include refreshments.

They are available from the community office at Viables, telephone 473634.

Do come and help launch the association with a swing.

For about 30 years, Viables Craft Centre has been an interesting place to visit.

Though changes are taking place in respect of the administration, the workshops and the craftsmen and women will continue, as always, to gain our admiration for their special skills.

Limited space means I cannot list all the services at one time.

This week, I visited the Natural Beauty Salon, owned by Katy Goddard and managed by Sarah McArthur.

The service has been available for 14 years.

There are now two full-time therapists, Sarah and Gemma, plus a part-time assistant and a receptionist.

A full range of beauty treatments is provided, including manicure, pedicure, facials, electrolysis and alternative therapies such as reflexology, Indian head massage and Shiatsu - a healing therapy.

The salon is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 7pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

To contact the therapists, call 01256 819586.