BRAMLEY and Little London Music Festival 2005: Will take place at St James' Church on July 14, 15 and 16.

COMPUTER course: A computer course has started up in the village and is running at the British Legion, from 9am to 11.30am, on Mondays.

However, numbers have been dropping and new members are needed to keep the course going.

If you would like to learn computing skills or would like to go along as an improver, you will be welcomed by a very enthusiastic tutor, and find that laptops and all equipment is provided.

The course will last for about 12 weeks.

For more information, just turn up on Monday.

SUPPER and film evening: A reminder that supper will be at 7.30pm on Monday, with films from Geoff Wheeler Film Archives to follow.

JUMBLE sale: On March 19, at Cross House, from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Here is advance notice to give you a good chance to turn out any unwanted items.

Remember that what may seem like your rubbish may be another person's treasure.

THANKSGIVING: A service of thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Pedley was held in St James' Church on Thursday, January 20.

Ethel is remembered for the interest she took in village life from the time she came to live in Bramley.

As a member of the Monday Day Centre and Bramley and Romans Floral Society, she always took part with enjoyment and a ready wit.

Until infirmity prevented, she was a regular attender at St James' Church, and many friends gathered at the church with her daughter, Gill, and family for the memorial service.