JUMBLE sale: At the Church of Christ the King, Sullivan Road, Saturday, February 5, from 1pm to 3pm, in aid of the Tsunami Appeal.

Refreshments and a raffle will be available. Entrance costs 20p for adults, children can get in for free.

"HEALTHY Eating Costs Less at ASDA": Was the title of an event offering customers a health check and advice.

Sam Hutchins, events co-ordinator, was there to remind everyone of "New Year New You".

Let's face it, I need a new "me"!

Sam introduced me to the nurse and other customers followed me.

The nurse began by checking blood pressure, using an Omron blood pressure monitor.

Secondly, she carried out a blood glucose test, which needed a prick in the finger to obtain a drop of blood.

I am now relieved to know that my blood pressure is normal and my blood glucose is within normal limits.

I have a record form showing the result and I had my photograph taken.

Customers, especially children, should hear what George has to say.

First he gives facts about hair. To make it shine, fish, fruit and vegetables are recommended.

For the eyes, carrots are advised because they are rich in carotene, needed to assist good vision.

For healthy teeth, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais and milk are advised because they are high in calcium and vitamin D.

George urged children to pull out his tongue and read his prescription - green vegetables and cereals for a smooth, supple, slightly moist tongue.

I understand that the event will run until tomorrow.