WHEN young Barney the West Highland terrier paid his first visit to a grooming salon he was fearless!

But not all dogs are so laid back.

"You see a dog come in looking sorry for itself and then leave, wagging its tail and happy to see its owner - I love it," said Sharyl Garner, from Pets at Home grooming salon in Enham Arch Retail Park, Andover.

Sharyl said most dogs behave themselves when they visit the salon. That's because, like children, they often behave better in the company of strangers.

Sharyl has been working at the salon for four years. She started one-year-old Barney's beauty treatment by grooming him.

Next on the agenda was the bath and - not every dog's favourite activity - the delicate squeezing of the anal glands.

For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser.