SOLDIERS from Tidworth's 1PWRR are about to move lock, stock and barrel to Germany and for the well- oiled British Army moving units around the globe is something that is second nature.

However, moving home for the dependents of soldiers could be a much more unfamiliar and daunting experience.

Help is on hand, however, and there is a well-written guide available on the internet on the MoD site designed to help make the process of moving home to a foreign country easier and less stressful.

For those living in Army accommodation there are forms to be filled in to enable families to gain accommodation at the new location appropriate for family size or rank.

Those who live in their own homes can dec-ide to sell them or look at the possibility of renting out their home but as postings can be for several years it is something that requires considerable thought.

Schooling is another area of stress even if moving within the UK as education systems vary across the country. Advice about education can be obtained from the SCE (Service Children's Education).

For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser.