WINCHESTER residents are pressing civic chiefs to clamp down on student parking near their homes.

People in Fulflood want the council to re-introduce permit holders' parking on the south side of Hatherley Road close to Peter Symonds College.

Currently there is a two hours waiting limit which the residents say is being abused by the students whose cars use up the spaces.

A petition of 46 names has been handed in to the council and five other objections have been submitted.

The council cabinet will decide whether to reintroduce the permits at its meeting tomorrow. Philip Jones, of Cranworth Road, said that during term time between 8am and 5pm there are no spaces for residents because students from the college are taking them. Mr Jones said: "The feeling in the area is very strongly against student parking in residential spaces."

Kevin McCann, of Cranworth Road, said there was inadequate enforcement of the student parking encouraging the abuse. Most residents said they would be happy for the north side of the road, between Cranworth Road and Owens Road, to remain as two-hour parking to allow for people to visit the college for a short period.

A similar attempt to limit student parking was defeated in March 2004 although many nearby residents were unaware of the proposal.

In recent months the residents have been lobbying hard for the change.

However, the college bosses say they are keen to keep things as they are. In a letter to the council, the college says: "There can be no argument that additional parking is required by local residents."