HAPPY New Year to everyone.

OXFAM Asia Earthquake Appeal: A music night is being arranged for Friday, January 28, in aid of the appeal.

Times and details will be in next week's paper.

A mass jumble sale and table-top sale is also being held in aid of the appeal on Saturday, January 29, from 11am to 3pm, at the Oakridge Hall for All.

We need to sell as much as possible, so if you have anything at all you don't want, bring it along.

Also, we need things such as dried food, plastic eating utilities and much more.

I do hope the community can help in any way possible.

For more information, call me on the above number, or e-mail me at mike@danielbowler.org or mike@ntlworld.com

CONTACT me: On the above number if you have any news for publication in this column.