PARISH council: The council will meet in the village hall at 7.30pm on Monday.

There is always a 10-minute session when the public may speak.

FILM and supper evening: On Monday, February 7, at Cross House, near the church, there will be a supper, starting at 7.30pm, at which films will be shown on a large screen by Rodney.

The programme will be a nostalgic look back to the 1950s, '60s and '70s, with the films, loaned by Geoff Wheeler Film Archives, including Universal Newsreel 1956 in black and white, Britain in Bloom 1974 and Journey into Spring filmed around Selborne.

Tickets cost £7, which includes a hot supper, and are available from Rodney on 881334, or Richard on 881182.

A CANADIAN Adventure: On Thursday, March 17, there will be a talk, with slides to illustrate, called "A Canadian Adventure".

This will be held in Cross House at 7.30pm.

Any enquiries to 323958 or my number above.

THE Vyne: The year starts off in February with a series of lecture lunches.

The first of these, on February 9, will be "Britain's Biggest Classroom", given by Fiona Reynolds, director-general of the National Trust, from 10.30am to 1.30pm. Booking is essential.

Tickets cost £18.20, which includes a light lunch. Call 01494 755572.

BADMINTON: The new session started on January 10.

If you are interested, the Bramley Badminton Club is looking for new members.

Sessions are on Monday and Tuesday in the village hall.

Please contact 881214 or 323958.