VILLAGE hall: This was built by the people of Old Basing, for the people of Old Basing.

It was put to good use by the Basingerites on New Year's Eve, when more than 130 people saw in the year of 2005 with great gusto.

The crowd were so well behaved, without an intoxicating drink passing their lips. There was no binge drinking and not an ASBO in sight.

Steve Watson and Steve Oliver did the disco, with the crowd dancing until just after midnight.

Like true people of the village, many of them turned out on January 1 to assist with the cleaning of the hall. It was back to its normal state by 10am.

I do know that Frank Goddard would have been proud of the whole village.

DECORATIONS: Many of you have visited Loyalty Lane to see the fantastic Christmas lights set up by the Richards at number 10.

After winning the first prize of £100, awarded by The Gazette, at the time of going to press Dave has totalled his charitable takings in excess of £790 together with his extra prize money.

There is no doubt that a total of £1,000 will be reached.

I think that this will bring the running total to £4,000. Extremely well done, Dave and Gloria.

crime: The village has been relatively quiet in respect of reported crime over the festive season.

To keep the village at the bottom of the area's crime figures, much credit is due to Anne Reid and her Neighbourhood Watch colleagues.

The work continues by these stalwarts but they need more help.

Why not pop along to the AGM next Tuesday, in the pavilion rooms at the rec? It starts at 8pm.

See what it is all about, then why not have a go at setting up a scheme? Call Ann on 333338.

BEDDINGTON Centre: This is another venue for the people of the village.

One of the regular users, the Bolton under-five play-group, is having an open morning on Tuesday, January 18, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Call Brenda on 330273 or 07881 920709 for more details.