CHURCH services: On Sunday, there will be Holy Communion at 9am and, at 10.30am, Parish Communion and Sunday School at St James'.

There is always coffee, tea, squash and biscuits available in Cross House after the 10.30am service. All are welcome.

LUNCH Club: The first meeting of the new year will be on Wednesday, at 11.30am, in the village hall.

Please contact Pat, on 881509, for details and transport arrangements.

BRAMLEY and Romans Floral Society: Wishes to remind members and friends that there will not be a meeting in January.

The next meeting of the society will be the AGM on Friday, February 4.

NATIONAL Women's Register: The next meeting will be held on January 20, at the Queen's College Arms.

Arrangements are being made by Judy, on 881693, and Anne, on 881691.

The menu is available, so hurry along and give them your order if you have not already done so.

Copies of the group's 2005 meetings are available by giving Anne or myself a call.

PARISH council: The council met on December 13.

Minutes of the last meeting and financial report were agreed.

Under planning, many applications had been reviewed. There had been objections to one for a detached garage at St Ives, and six others were awaiting a decision.

The draft South East Plan and CPRE newsletter had been examined, and the indications were that many more houses were to be built under the plan.

CLIFT Meadow: The chairman reported that permission has been granted for the sports court on Clift Meadow, and that work on the pavilion would possibly start at the end of January and finish by May, in time for the cricket season.

Good news was that there were lots of bookings already for the coming season.