POLICE officers at Stockbridge provided some festive cheer to an elderly Anna Valley couple after vandals damaged their garden fence.

When news of the crime reached them, rural community beat officer Sian Newland immediately responded to assess the damage and started inquiries to find the offenders.

Unfortunately the damage was such that the couple faced an expensive replacement bill right on top of Christmas.

Pc Newland could see how distressed the couple were and asked her station sergeant, Ian Ashbolt, for help. He managed to obtain cash from a rural communities fund to help cover the cost.

Pc Newland contacted a gardening centre which delivered replacement fence panels straight away. Sgt Ashbolt agreed to fit them later that day when he went off duty.

The couple said: "What's been done by the police is great.

"The attention and treatment we received has been fantastic. Everyone has been so kind."

PC Newland said: "It appears this couple have persistently received damage to their fence panels as their garden borders a footpath between Clatford and a local residential area. For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser.