A PUBLIC meeting will be held at 7pm on Thursday, January 27, 2005, at The Dome Youth Centre, Brighton Hill, Basingstoke.

The purpose of the meeting is to pass a resolution to dissolve the charity known as BHYNKRED.

All are invited to attend.

For further information, please contact June Balcombe, community officer, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, on 01256 845477 or e-mail j.balcome@basingstoke.gov.uk

CANCELLATION: Of the councillor's surgery on January 1, 2005 is unavoidable.

I regret that there can be no surgery on New Year's Day because Brighton Hill Community College is closed and the gates are locked.

I can be contacted, however, on 01256 465100.

CHRISTMAS caf at Manor Field Junior School: This again was a treat not to be missed.

I apologise for arriving late, but as many people know, I have had a few problems lately.

When I arrived at the school, I settled at a table to admire a large group of children on stage, in green uniforms and smart red hats, singing Happy birthday to Jesus.

What's more, Santa was about and "we had better watch out!".

The final presentation by the pupils invited everyone to think about the world outside the window.

We should let everyone know the Christmas story.

The message from Band Aid 20 declares: "It's Christmas time, feed the world".

As soon as the singers left the stage, in their colourful, glittering costumes, Father Christmas could be seen attending tables, wishing people a merry Christmas.

Young waiters and waitresses took orders for tea, coffee, squash, mince pies and cakes.

The headteacher, Jan Cushing, took charge of the raffle.

Prizes included tempting hampers and I was lucky to win four beautiful wine glasses.