ANNUAL carol concert with The Salvation Army Band: Takes place on Saturday, December 18, at 6.30pm, at Heath End Hall.

WOLVERTON market: The monthly market is being held tomorrow, at Wolverton Village Hall, from 9.30am to 11am.

The January market will be held on Saturday, January 8.

HEATH End Gardening Club: Meets at Heath End Hall on Tuesday, at 8pm, for its Christmas party.

All are welcome.

CHRISTMAS get-together: There will be a very special gathering at Heath End Hall on Tuesday, December 21, from 2pm to 5pm, when everyone is invited to go along, take a friend, and be prepared for a surprise that you will really enjoy. Transport can be arranged.

Please call Margaret Bushell on 0118 9812787.

CRIB Service: Takes place at St Stephen's Church on Friday, December 24, at 3pm.

This is a service for all the family, where the children are invited to place the figures in the crib to complete the nativity scene.

Well-known carols will be sung and there will be refreshments afterwards.