Sir.-I would like to express my concerns about the proposed closure of the post office in South Ham.

This will cause a great deal of difficulty for people in their late 70s with walking difficulties like myself. People in wheelchairs find it difficult getting on buses, and these additional costs are incurred by people on pensions.

The post office is located by our convenient stores, butcher, chemist and grocery shop.

After the previous struggle by our councillors to keep this post office open, many of us took out pension payment cards. Then the Post Office closed several branches in the town.

A great organisation has been crippled by asset-stripping of parts for privatisation. This is not helped by the withdrawal of the payment of pensions and other benefits through the post office.

What an opportunity missed by the Government to introduce a National Savings Pension Fund at the post office, to encourage young people to save with a tax-free incentive and not force them into banks and the temptation of credit cards.

-Fred Prior, St Peter's Road, South Ham, Basingstoke.

Sir.-Post offices are needed in remote areas, as meeting places. Most have stationery offers, too.

-Mr D Evans, Woodlands, Overton.