SOUTH View infants and nursery: The Christmas fair will be next Thursday, from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Any donations will be greatly received.

On December 17, at 1.15pm, the school will break up for Christmas and return on January 4.

OAKRIDGE Infant School Christmas fair: Friday, December 3, from 6pm to 8pm.

MUMS: We've had complaints from some members of the public about people blocking paths with their pushchairs in Vivian Road outside the new school gate. Please be a bit more considerate.

GENERAL public: The school path was put in place for parents and children for school use only and not for any other use, so please stay out and walk around - it's private property.

Thank you for your co-operation.

DRUMRUNNERS: If you have time on your hands and like music, why not join Basingstoke's premier junk percussion band, the Drumrunners?

Contact Paul on 01256 350499, or e-mail

SAFER Christmas Campaign: To help reduce crime this Christmas, Hampshire police will be launching a campaign to raise people's awareness of how they can lessen their chances of becoming victims of crime over the festive period.

For further advice and information visit the website