AFTER 22 years at the helm of a Southampton secondary school, head teacher Dr Peter Hollis is celebrating one of the school's proudest moments after it was described as "very good" by Ofsted inspectors.

During their three-day inspection at Oaklands Community School they found that all 705 pupils were treated with "care, respect and encouragement".

They also praised the school's very strong leadership and improvement since the last inspection five years ago, which has seen standards raised in modern foreign languages and science.

Teaching and learning were described as "good" across the school.

However, a small number of students were found to be disruptive in lessons.

Other weaknesses were found in the mathematics department that inspectors said were due to previous recruitment problems.

However, head teacher Dr Hollis remains confident the problems can be solved with the appointment of a new head of department at the start of this term and all five maths teacher vacancies filled.

"I am particularly pleased we have been described as a very good school after being classed as good in our last two inspections.

"It is also good to see that students' improvements in the school have been noted.

"However, there is, of course, still work to be done.

"There have been changes within the maths department and we are sure the situation will improve."

The school has submitted a bid for specialist status in performing arts and expects to hear whether it has been successful in January.



33 per cent of pupils achieved five or more A* to C grades in their GCSE examinations this year, a fall of one per cent compared with last year.

GCSE results for last year were well above average when compared with similar schools.

Students enter the school with attainment levels that are often well below average but students go on to perform well above average when compared with their previous attainment.

Attendance in years 7 to 9 is satisfactory although attendance in years 10 and 11 remains unsatisfactory.


Parents have some concerns about bullying but are generally positive about the school


Focus on the leadership, management, achievement, teaching and learning in the maths department.

Improve attendance records in years 10 and 11


Leadership and management are very good

Arts are a strength at the school

Students are cared for very well

Very good provision for children with special educational needs

Students' academic performance is well above average by the end of year 11, when compared with their previous attainment

Students' achievement is good


Unsatisfactory teaching, learning and achievement in maths. The situation is slowly improving since a new head of department was appointed

Attendance in years 10 and 11 is unsatisfactory and interrupts progress

A small number of students are disruptive

Statutory requirements are not fully met in religious education.