HUNDREDS of people are expected to flock to the centre of Fareham for a Christmas lights extravaganza on Sunday.

A host of entertaining events have been arranged to start the Christmas season.

Fairground rides and a live radio breakfast show with Ocean FM, headed by DJ David Perry, will keep shoppers entertained at the start of the day.

Then people can round off their shopping trips later on in the afternoon by gathering in the town centre to see the Christmas lights.

The main event starts at 4pm, when the Mayor and Mayoress of Fareham, Councillor David Swanbrow and his wife Jane, will arrive in a horse -drawn carriage with Father Christmas and a procession of children carrying a giant Christingle orange.

The lights will be switched on by the mayor and mayoress at 4.30pm along with this year's Fareham pantomime guest, 60s heart-throb, Jess Conrad.

Then a colourful burst of fireworks will hail the start of the Christmas season.

Town centre manager, George Cantrill, said it is an event not to be missed: "On Sunday people can enjoy their shopping and then get into the rest of the afternoon's events.

"It will be a great way to officially start the Christmas festivities in the town."

In the run-up to Christmas, late night shopping until 8pm on Thursdays in Fareham Shopping Centre starts today.