EVERGREENS: The Evergreens met on Monday, November 1.

Jean said: "Unfortunately, our speaker couldn't make it but we had a game of bingo.

"In December we are looking forward to our Christmas dinner."

The Evergreens are busy preparing for their autumn fair, which is tomorrow, from 2pm to 4pm, in the village hall.

VILLAGE hall AGM: A note for your diary - the village hall AGM takes place next Wednesday, at 8pm, in the Liddell Hall.

Esme said: "Everyone is encouraged to attend."

So, why not go along and find out what's been going on and what is going to go on?

CELEBRATION: The village hall committee is planning an informal village Celebration of Christmas on Monday, December 20.

Can you sing, play an instrument, or are you willing to do a reading or a sketch?

If you would be interested in taking part, please contact either Kathleen Gaiger on 882223, Sue on 882337, or Peggy on 882609.

WHIST drive: The whist drives take place every second Friday.

This means there is one today, at 7.30pm, in the village hall.

Everyone is welcome.