VILLAGE Design Statement: Every house should now have received a copy of the Oakley Village Design Statement.

The statement covers Oakley, Deane and Malshanger, and it's a comprehensive document which represents the views of a wide cross-section of the community.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has adopted the statement and the contents will be referred to for all future planning within the village.

DOG mess: Is still a problem on our pavements.

The refurbished play areas in Kennet Way and St John's Piece have new fencing, partly to keep children in but mainly to keep dogs out.

However, the fences will only work if people remember to shut the gates.

It has also been noted that some dog owners are tying up their dogs inside the premises of the Oakley schools when collecting children.

Dogs are not permitted o school premises and should not be left unattended when children are running around.

FOUND: A gentleman's ring has been found at Beech Park near to the recycling area.

Contact Anne-Marie on 783070 to claim it.