THE Brookvale Teazer: This was yet another success for the events co-ordinators to chalk up.

The Fit Fifties won the first prize by only two points from The Goggled Goonies, who were close on their heels all night. Out of the 10 teams, Halcyon Days came last.

During the evening the results co-ordinators were offered a glass of wine by one of the teams. The response of "No thank you, I'm having difficulties scoring on Coke," brought peels of laughter from all who heard.

She meant Pepsi, of course!

THEMED parent and toddler sessions: Every Wednesday you are welcome to join the group at 1.15pm at the village hall, Lower Brook Street.

The remaining Wednesdays in November will offer clothes, toy and card sales followed by story and rhyme time.

December's themes will all be related to Christmas.

CASINO Royale: Starting at 8pm on November 26, at the village hall, is "Bond" to be fun for all.

Tickets costing £8 per person, including canaps, are available for a limited period only. Call Lin on 01256 329475.

DECEMBER dates: Ladies' Night will be taking a trip to the Body Shop for some exclusive opportunities.

Reserve the evening of December 7, and call Lin, on the above number, for details.

The BCA will be holding a Christmas party for residents on the afternoon of December 11.

Entrance will be free.

Further details nearer the time.