HARVEST gifts: At Bramley Lunch Club's meeting on November 3, members were delighted to receive visitors from Bramley School.

Accompanied by the headteacher, Anne Beresford, the young pupils brought many decorated boxes full of tins and packets of food donated for their Harvest Festival.

Each box contained a letter from a pupil to the recipient.

The headteacher and pupils were thanked for the kind thoughts and gifts.

During the morning, plans were made for the pre-Christmas lunch to be held at Avenue Nurseries Restaurant on December 2.

NATIONAL Women's Register: The October meeting was well attended, and the programme for 2005 was decided, with several new ideas.

Limericks filled the rest of the evening, and Edward Lear was high on the list, with Sibyl reading, by special request, that favourite The Owl and the Pussycat.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, at 31 Bramley Green Road.

THANKSGIVING: On November 1, there was a Thanksgiving Service in St James' Church for the life of Gillian Evans, who passed away on October 24, aged 56.

Gillian, with husband Peter, and their three sons, had, until fairly recently, lived at Stocks Farm House, and will be remembered for her interest and hard work in the village.

Gillian was also a parish councillor and then chairman of the parish council.

Our thoughts are with her family.