EMBROIDERERS' Guild: If you thought that "diamonds were a girl's best friend" then you were mistaken.

Instead, as Betty Hutton said in her song "A sewing machine, a sewing machine; a girl's best friend", you can find out just why at the next meeting of the Hart branch of the Embroiderers' Guild on Monday, where Joan McQuillan will give a talk about sewing machines entitled "Invention to Innovation".

It runs from 1pm until 3pm, at the WI Hall in Green Lane.

All are welcome, and entrance costs £2.50.

For more details, contact Wendy on 762723.

TOADSTOOLS: If you are walking to Tesco this week, don't forget to look out for the gigantic clump of toadstools on Station Road as you approach Tesco.

It was seen on Monday, measuring about half-a-metre across.

As yet, no fairies have been reported!