BINGO: On Tuesday, there is senior citizen's bingo in the lounge bar at the village hall, from 2pm.

The cost is £1.50, and a light lunch is provided.

ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour: Pc Ray Niblock has thrown down the gauntlet on anti-social behaviour.

While some of the recent misbehaviour has taken place at the Four Lanes schools site, other locations, including bus shelters and play areas, have proved to be hot spots. Pc Niblock has written a comprehensive article about this for November's Chineham Chat.

He encourages residents to call the police when trouble is witnessed or personally suffered.

If you wish to speak with Pc Niblock in person, he can be contacted on the community mobile number 07791 152253.

AUCTION of promises: It is not too soon to consider making donations to the auction of promises, which is to be held at the village hall on Saturday, November 13, at 8pm.

Further information on this and other events can be obtained from Donna on 471982.

CHRIST Church Fellowship Group: Meets on the second Wednesday of the month. On Wednesday, the speaker will be from Childline. All are welcome.

Coffee is served from 9.45am and the meeting starts at 10.15am.