REMEMBRANCE: A Remembrance Day service will be held in St James' Church on November 14, at 10.30am.

The loose collection that day will be for SSAFA, a charity that helps ex-servicemen or their widows in retirement.

CHRISTINGLE: A Family Christingle Service will be held in St James' Church on November 28, at 10.30am.

There will be a canister collection, when children can give their donation to the Children's Society.

House collecting boxes for the Children's Society should now be handed over to Sibyl Wood, honorary local secretary.

BRAMLEY and Romans Floral Society meets this evening, at 7.30pm, when Mrs Elizabeth Pelley will run a workshop entitled "Christmas With Style".

All are welcome, and if you would like to join in, details may be obtained from 881182 or 881420.

PARISH council: At October's meeting, Mr Peter Eade, from Hampshire County Council Highways, attended and answered many questions from members of the public and councillors.

In reply to a commentabout speed cameras, Mr Eade said that there were no plans for permanent cameras anywhere in Bramley.

PLANNING: A letter of complaint had been received regarding the proposed sports court at Clift Meadow, and residents were advised that there would be a meeting the following evening.