LITTER louts beware.

A team of enforcers with the power to slap on-the-spot fines on litter-dropping offenders has hit the streets of Fareham.

From now on, they will be taking a zero tolerance approach in the fight against grime.

Anyone caught dropping anything on the floor - including chewing gum and cigarettes - could be fined up to £50. The team will provide round-the-clock patrols and target known hot spots in a bid to catch litter bugs.

Council bosses acted after a survey revealed 92 per cent of residents wanted stronger action in a bid to tidy up the borough's pavements, roads and green spaces.

About £630,000 of council taxpayers' money is spent every year on cleaning up Fareham. Chewing gum removal alone costs more than £8,000.

Fareham's health and environment chief Councillor Brian Bayford said: "For many years now, the residents of Fareham have put clean streets, decent pavements and roads as a high priority to make Fareham a good place to live. This enforcement team will make a positive contribution to tackling environmental anti-social behaviour such as littering.

"The view is that if local people realise

that the council will take a strong enforcement approach then they will think twice about littering and this should ultimately lead to cleaner public spaces.

"Working closely with the police and other council departments, the easily identifiable enforcement officers will act as the council's eyes and ears, reporting back any other issues or problems identified while they are out and about."

The five hot spots identified in the borough are Highlands Road Shopping Centre, West Street, Locks Heath Shopping Centre, Portchester Precinct and Miller Drive shops.