TWO teenage riders from the Romsey area were successful in a recent Search for a Star dressage competition.

Fourteen-year-old Ellie Osmond, from Whiteparish, and Kirsty Johnson, a 16-year-old from Landford, won their respective classes in the event at the Addington Manor Equestrian Centre, near Buckingham.

Both girls are members of the GB Under 21s dressage squad, the body which organised the two-day event. Ellie was riding her pony Wilde Thyme, while Kirsty was on her mount Regal Opposition.

The girls had problems getting to the event after a tyre blew out on their horse box en route. But Ellie's mother, Karen, who was driving at the time, handled a difficult situation extremely well.

Both came away with top prizes and would like to thank Karen and the event organisers for such a successful trip.