ODIHAM Cottage Hospital was assured it has the continued support of local MP James Arbuthnot when he visited the facility during a "hospital day".

During his visit, Mr Arbuthnot praised the role the small hospital plays for his constituents.

The MP was a strong supporter of the campaign to save the cottage hospital from closure in the late '90s.

The Odiham hospital is now owned and run by a charity - the OCHRE (Odiham Cottage Hospital Restoration) trust.

Ginny East, secretary to the trustees, said: "Mr Arbuthnot has been a fantastic supporter of the hospital.

"Last summer, he donated £1,000 from growing a sponsored beard.

"When he visited Odiham, he took the occasion to meet a number of patients and chat with staff. He also met members of the trust and spent time looking around."

During the day, the MP also visited the hospitals in Fleet and Bordon.

He said: "I cannot praise highly enough the hard work and dedication of all those involved in keeping Fleet, Odiham and Bordon hospitals open.

"Local facilities like this play a crucial role in maintaining the quality of service available to local people.

"I often visit the hospitals, but felt that it would be a good use of my time if I dedicated a day to hearing about what goes on behind the scenes.

"I am delighted that in the past I have been able to support the successful campaigns that ensured the continued existence of facilities in Bordon and Odiham."

To support OCHRE, call Ginny East on 01256 393603.