PREPARATIONS are going well for the celebration based on Andover's history as depicted in the new time ring mosaic and the completion of the High Street revamp.

The parade planned for 3 December will feature hundreds of school children from 13 schools interspersed with a community lantern parade and samba bands.

Last week 20 local volunteer community leaders attended a lantern leaders workshop at Andover's Phoenix Centre in River Way/Pilgrim's Way to learn how to make the lanterns.

Led by a team of carnival experts from the Isle of Wight Carnival Development Trust, the leaders learnt what to do with withies, tissue paper, canes and candles to turn them into lanterns.

A wide range of community leaders attended the certificated workshops including representatives from local guides and scouts groups, Andover Childminders Associa-tion, Mencap, the U3A and Andover Women in Business.

In the coming weeks each of the trained leaders will pass on their newly-acquired skills to bring at least 10 lanterns to the parade.

Over the half-term period Andover Library and Andover Museum have been offering lantern-making sessions to anyone who wants to take part in the parade but isn't a member of a local group or organisation.

For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser