ARE you a frustrated ballerina who longs to pull on a tutu and plie with the best of them?

Well, help could finally be at hand thanks to Jane Kilpatrick at Physiosculpt in Fair Oak.

If you were forced to give up when you were just a girl and you always wanted to recapture the magic - or if you were denied the chance in the first place and always regretted it - Jane is running adult ballet classes for people just like you.

A renowned ballet teacher, Miss Jane - as she is known to her pupils - has taught members of the Royal Family and numerous celebrity children including the likes of Elizabeth Jagger.

She explained: "I used to teach at the Vacani School of Dancing in London and among the children I taught were the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

"They came to me when they were very young and I had to teach them how to curtsey properly and then we progressed to ballet.

"On one occasion I had to tell Sarah Ferguson off because she turned up late and disturbed everyone - I wouldn't have put up with that from any of the other mothers so I had to say something to her," she said.

Jane discovered there was a need for adult classes through teaching the children and picking up on their mothers wistful gazes.

"They would drop off their daughters and tell me how much they would like to have a go too," she said.

The benefits of ballet are manifold and Jane believes everyone can benefit from the gentle, toning exercise.

"I realised there was a niche for this. Whenever I tell people I teach ballet they say they would love to have a go - so now I am offering the classes just for them.

"It's great for posture, toning and elongating the muscles.

"If you have back problems, it is a great way to exercise because there is a proper warm-up routine and it encourages suppleness," she said.

And there's no need to worry if it's been many years since you last went through your routine at the barre.

"It's just like riding a bike - you never forget.

"I find people remember first position and demi-plie without any problem.

"And even if you can't do everything that you used to be able to - you will still feel the benefits," she said.

For more details call 023 8069 6669 or visit the Physiosculpt website at for details of all their classes and therapies.