LEIGH and Jade Holes have shot to the top of the popularity class at Romsey School.

Along with Kelly Simms and Kirby Anderson, the Holes girls were part of the Riverside Strikers' team who became EA Sports 4 v 4 football champions of 2004, winning their school a free coaching day.

EA's unique football programme encourages youngsters to experience 'a game of two halves' - the first played on the EA Sports FIFA Football 2004 computer game and the second on a specially created, inflatable four-a-side pitch.

Its aim is to strike a balance between gaming and playing football for real and to address the needs of junior football clubs throughout the UK by providing advice and practical support on coaching, funding, administration and attracting more parent volunteers.

Minister of sport Richard Caborn has given the programme the thumbs up, saying: "It's essential that the children of today are encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices, which will ultimately affect their future well-being.

"By combining children's passion for playing computer games and playing football, the programme encourages youngsters to strike a healthy balance."

As well as the coaching day, the girls won free kit and equipment for Romsey School and the Riverside Strikers club as well as each receiving a PlayStation 2 and the new FIFA Football 2005 computer game.