Sir.-I recently had an eye appointment at Basingstoke hospital for treatment at 9.45am. I am a 74-year-old pensioner and have to rely on public transport as I am told not to drive after treatment.

I left home at 7.55am to catch the 8.10am bus from Whitchurch, giving me ample time to change at Basingstoke for the hospital bus.

The bus from Andover did not turn up and I had to wait for the next one (from Winchester), due at 8.45am, which arrived at 9am.

I had waited at a windy bus stop for 50 minutes.

I then arrived at Basingstoke bus station at 9.50am, having missed two hospital bus connections.

Eventually, I arrived at the hospital at 10.30am - three-quarters-of-an-hour late for my appointment and more than two-and-a-half hours after leaving my Whitchurch home (just 12 miles away).

Luckily, I was seen at the hospital and had my treatment.

What a nightmare I had on the buses!

-Mr L Teal, Whitchurch.