VILLAGE hall: Tickets are now available for Jim MacCool with his The Ionian Tales - a modern-day journey to the Scottish island of Iona, inspired by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

Tickets cost £9.50, including supper, and are available from me on the above number.

BALLROOM and Latin American dance lessons: There will be a break of one week on Wednesday, October 27, with the new session starting on Wednesday, November 3, at 7.30pm.

If there is enough interest, two sessions may be held - one for beginners and one for improvers.

If you are interested, contact me on the above number, or Joe or Joyce Harman on 01256 357042.

PAMBER Heath Gardening Club: At next Tuesday's meeting at 8pm, Peter Brandham will be giving an illustrated talk entitled Flowers of the Mediterranean.