DIARY date: This year's Christmas bazaar - one of the highlights of the Ellisfield calender - is taking place on Saturday, November 27.

Make a note in your diary that it starts at 2pm.

CALENDAR Girls: The eagerly awaited 2005 Calendar, featuring members of the Ellisfield Ladies' Club, is in the process of being produced.

Club secretary Celia Lunn said: "Our thanks go to Edna Chilton, who has been a wonderful source of information and productivity."

The calendar will be on sale at the Christmas bazaar, as well as at the carol singing performance in December.

Celia (381373), Doreen (381652) and Edna (381124) have proof versions for you to look at if you want to reserve one, or more, copies.

REMINDER: If you've not yet bought your £5 tickets for this year's village supper you need to hurry.

For tickets to the supper, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 16, contact Jane on 381470.