EFFORTS to tackle a host of antisocial behaviour, drug abuse, violent and racial crime across Southampton are under one roof.

City Patrol officers and research teams are now being co-ordinated from the Southampton City Council's community safety office.

The unit has a police presence, and is linked-up via computer to Hampshire police and housing officers who can advise on designing out crime on new developments.

Southampton City Council community safety manager Roger Honey said: "Strong, safe communities are a priority of the city council. This new structure will make a difference in our fight against crime and disorder.

"Having police staff working side by side with the rest of my team will allow us to respond to problems as they happen. The increase in size of the city patrol team also means we will be able to patrol late into the evening to deter and identify those who are intent on disrupting the lives of our citizens through their antisocial behaviour."

Ring 023 8083 3989 to contact the antisocial behaviour team.