MOVES to change the planning system and bring in local development frameworks will cost Test Valley Borough Council tax payers about £790,000 over the next three years, councillor have been told.

In a report prepared for the council's executive, head of finance Rob Carr, said: "New legislation means that over the next three years, this authority will be required to produce a local development framework, despite the fact that it is only just finalising the update of the local plan.

"Around £790,000 will be required over the next three years. "Given this council's financial position, expenditure of this magnitude cannot be absorbed and there are effectively only three options."

They are increasing council tax, making further savings or seeking permission to meet expenditure from capital resourses.

The idea of the frameworks, instigated by John Prescott, is to speed up the system, ensure that plans are monitored, reviewed and kept up to date and to achieve more effective community involvement. But their preparation will require considerable research and work.

Planning chief, Madalene Winter, in her report, said: "All of the work in producing the documents must be based on sound research and evidence.

"Therefore up to date studies will be required to identify retail requirements, affordable housing needs, employment and economic development needs, leisure needs, environmental quality, transport needs, social and community needs and any other issues emerging from government guidance."