SENIORS meeting: The meeting for senior residents of Hatch Warren and Beggarwood takes place next Thursday, from 1pm, at the community centre.

LET'S get drawing: The big draw will be in Hatch Warren, as well as all around the country, on Sunday, October 10.

The idea is to go along to the community centre and draw something important to you, such as a family member, your home or your pet.

There will also be an arts and crafts exhibition for local people at the community centre that day, which is organised by the Rabbiter.

There will be prizes for the best pieces and you will also be able to sell your work.

Further details from the Rabbiter website.

PHONE mast news: Simon Preedy reports that he has had confirmation from phone operator Vodafone that it is looking for potential mast sites in the area.

He is already pressing for Vodafone to follow the pre-application process thoroughly, by consulting with any residents who may be local to the site.

This consultation should be undertaken before any application is made to the borough council.

As soon as I find out any more news about this, I will pass it on to you.