SUCCESS: Last Saturday's picnic and games day was a great success.

The weather was the best we have had on a Saturday since July.

Anyone passing the park would have witnessed the balloons, gazebo and many adults as well as children taking part in the food and fun.

Thanks to all who organised and participated.

LADIES Night: This Tuesday, at 8pm, in the village hall.

There is a charge of £2 to cover costs and you do not have to live in the Brookvale area to attend.

For information, call Lin on 01256 329475.

SKITTLES evening: Friday, September 24, at the village hall, starting at 8pm.

Tickets are £5 each and can be obtained from Cathy on 01256 413993.

3Cs' MORNING: On Saturday, October 2, the village hall welcomes you from 10am to noon.

The community association provides the coffee and cakes, you provide the chat, or just listen. A cost of 50p covers your refreshments.

BROOKVALE Teazer: On Friday, October 22, this is your chance to pit your wits, once again, against the other teams.

Each team is usually made up of six people, but if you do not have a team, don't worry, just come along and make up a team on the night.

Tickets and information can be obtained from Cathy on 413993.