HURST Centre Indoor Bowls Club: The Hurst Leisure Centre, Brimpton Road, Baughurst, is offering coaching sessions for beginners on Saturdays, from 10am to noon. The cost is £3 per session.

For further details, call Mr G Shephard on 0118 9813498 or Mr A Self on 0118 9814489.

AFTERNOON get-together: At Heath End Hall on September 21, from 2pm to 4pm.

There will be a bring-and-buy, raffle, refreshments and activities - something for everyone.

Transport can be arranged for those who need it.

Call Margaret Bushnell on 0118 9812787.

COFFEE Morning Extravaganza: This will now be held at Kents Cottage in Baughurst Road, from 10am to noon, on Saturday, September 25. There will be various stalls and refreshments available.

Make a date to support the church.

NEWS: Please let me have any news or information that you would like to see in the following Friday's paper, by the weekend before. Contact me on the number above.