GREAT news: The Neighbourhood Watch Cycle Treasure Hunt Ride has been rescheduled for Sunday, September 12.

The original one ended up having to be cancelled due to the poor weather, so fingers crossed that this time things will run smoothly.

As before, everyone is welcome to join in as long as they have a bike, lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Meet at 2pm at the Scout hut, on Bowman Road.

COUNCIL: As we enter a new month (especially after the summer break), don't forget that Chineham Parish Council will be holding its next monthly meeting in just over a week's time, on Monday, September 13.

As usual, the venue is the meeting room in Chineham Village Hall and the time is 7.45pm, with the public session from 8pm.

For further information please contact the assistant parish clerk, Gillian Baker, on 761790 or e-mail

THE mobile library returns to Chineham Village Hall car park on Thursday, from 4pm until 4.20pm.

STOP: Before you throw out that stack of holiday post out, remember that Christ Church, Reading Road, wants your old stamps and postcards.

The church donates them to Naomi House Children's Hospice and the Leprosy Mission, and so would be most grateful if you take any that you are wishing to dispose of into the church.