A FRANTIC rush to find a band for King's Somborne Carnival ended happily when a group of Army cadets stepped in to ensure the day went with a swing.

Organisers were forced to find a replacement band at the last minute and were relieved when youngsters from the Hants and IoW Army Cadet Force Band agreed to help out.

Several hundred spectators lined the streets to catch some familiar faces from the village at the ever-popular annual carnival.

Some unusual floats managed to catch the eye of Test Valley Mayor Neville Whiteley - ranging from the high seas of the Peel Pirates to the shrubs and borders of the Allsorts garden.

They were joined by the slightly more serious Parish Plan float, which was designed to raise awareness of how villagers can prioritise the needs of their parish. The biggest concerns so far are policing, health care, environment, shops, pubs and the post office, sport and leisure and public transport.

Parish plan committee chairman Frank Fahy said: "We are trying to get the message out to people in the King's Somborne area that this is not a middle class toy, we want to hear from everyone about what they want to see before the plan is finalised next year."

Displays by majorettes and the Solent Dog Team rounded off another successful carnival - with funds still being counted. All proceeds will be split between the village hall and other village organisations.

Joyce Weeks, chairman of the carnival committee, said: "We had a good turnout and were delighted that the Mayor stayed so long chatting to people and supporting the event."