GAIGER: I'm happy to see that the main throrough-fare through the new Taylor's Farm development has been named "Gaiger Avenue" and not "The Boulevard" as originally planned.

Brian Gaiger was a former parish council chairman and great contributor to Sherfield village life, so this is a great decision.

The other roads are to be based on Hampshire village names.

PARISH council: The three new co-opted councillors attended their first meeting. Sherfield Parish Council now has 10 parish councillors.

A presentation was given by Paul Hayes, anti-social behaviour co-ordinator of the borough council, who outlined the pros and cons of teen shelters.

The problem of limited parking in Bow Drive was discussed - the parish council will contact the borough and county councils for advice, and Sentinel Housing to discuss whether garages are fully utilised.

The borough council has approved the planning application for the new football pavilion, but approval by DEFRA will also need to be sought.

The allotments officer from the borough council will be judging the best allotment and hopes to present the trophy at the Sherfield Show on September 4.

SHOW: Sherfield Show is drawing near with only a couple of weeks left to go.

Forms are available from the local outlets, garden centres and shops, and give details of all classes.

Staging of exhibits is from 8.30am to 10.30am, and judging starts at 10.45am.

The show opens to the public at 2.30pm with the presentation of awards at 3.30pm.

An auction and raffle will be held at 3.45pm.

Entries are welcome from all corners within a radius of 15 miles.

For more details and help contact 882274 or 880075, or to offer a plant for the auction, call Terry on 882269.