A ZIMMER frame drought in the New Forest has ended thanks to an amnesty championed by the Daily Echo.

Elderly health patients around the Hythe area were struggling to get about because of a shortage of the metal walking frames at the local hospital.

Health chiefs issued an urgent plea for anyone who had been issued with a Zimmer frame but no longer needed it to return them immediately so others could benefit from them.

Now the appeal has been hailed a success as nearly 20 of the walking frames have been returned to Hythe Hospital.

Six Zimmers were dropped off in one go by an anonymous donor who drove an unmarked Transit van.

Crispian Mulshaw, operational rehabilitation lead, said: "We have been receiving a steady stream of Zimmer frames over the last couple of weeks and I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has returned their equipment.

"I would also like to urge any other people who no longer use their frames to bring them back."

During the original campaign published by the Daily Echo it emerged many people had found alternative uses for the Zimmer frames they no longer needed.

Other guises of the mobility machines included a growing frame for runner beans, a clothes horse or a place to put a hanging basket of flowers.

Ann Holdsworth, chairman of Age Concern New Forest East, said: "They are quite attractive with a hanging basket but they're not meant for that.

"If people don't return them they're depriving someone from learning to have a better standard of mobility."

New Forest Primary Care Trust, who issued the appeal, can be contacted on 023 8087 4545 or by e-mailing pals>nfpct.nhs.uk.